Home > Course Performance > Emerging Idea: Helping Students Overcome Barriers by Writing Down Their Why

Emerging Idea: Helping Students Overcome Barriers by Writing Down Their Why 

Authors: IMG_7151 Educator Research

We welcome you to proceed with using this idea. However, this idea has shown promise but needs additional testing before it can be considered a research-based change idea.

Do you want to be a part of a movement to improve outcomes for students anywhere by testing this idea and contributing to the field? Are you willing to test this idea and collect data? We are here for you.

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This is a chance to improve outcomes for your students and to accelerate improvement overall!

Students are encountering extra barriers right now.  This idea builds on the science research that demonstrates that writing down goals or tasks and  linking them to their own lives or the lives of people they care about can increase the likelihood that the goals are actually achieved.


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