Home > Emerging Ideas: Helping Families Understand the Importance of Attendance and Its Connection to Academic Outcomes


Emerging Ideas: Helping Families Understand the Importance of Attendance and Its Connection to Academic Outcomes 

Authors: IMG_7151 Educator Research

We welcome you to proceed with using this idea. However, this idea has shown promise but needs additional testing before it can be considered a research-based change idea.

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This is a chance to improve outcomes for your students and to accelerate improvement overall!

Attendance improves when a school community offers a welcoming environment that leverages relationships with families and communicates the importance of being present. The key is developing a school-wide culture that promotes a sense of safety, respect and personal responsibility. Students need to feel connected and know that someone notices, in a caring manner, if they miss school. A key component of the engagement is helping families understand what their children are learning at school and the negative effects of chronic absenteeism. When families understand the importance of attendance and its connection to academic outcomes, the number of student absences will decrease. 

(Learn more here: 

Use one of the handouts, prepared by Attendance Works to educate parents and families.  

Some possibilities:

  • Send them home at the beginning of the school year
  • Keep them at the front desk where students check in
  • Print poster sized at the attendance desk
  • Send home with attendance letters
  • Share at Family Nights/Back to School Nights
  • Use the messages for recorded calls home
  • Include with information for students new to the school


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