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Small Group Spiral Review 

Authors: Screen Shot 2024-01-08 at 6.35.41 PM Kayla Fortenberry Screen Shot 2024-01-09 at 5.07.02 PM Gabby Lancaster

I have four 3rd graders who are struggling in math. I  think what is happening is that this group of students was negatively affected by COVID (missing the 4th quarter of Kindergarten, being virtual for part of 1st grade, and still dealing with quarantines in 2nd grade). There are gaps in their math skills.

The Process

I met  with this small group 3 days a week to do a spiral review of math skills needed to help them be successful with 3rd grade standards.

  • I used Standards Progression to determine what skills were previously taught or needed to be successful with current 3rd grade standards.
  • We met 3 days a week on Monday, Wednesday, & Friday during our math block for 15-20 minutes focusing on those skills combined with our current 3rd grade standard. Other students were working on individual assignments, so I could meet with this group.
  • I used Star math assessments to note progress students made.

  • Impact
    • 100% of the selected students improved on monthly Star math assessments.
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  • Practical Keys to Success
    • Use a common assessment that is administered periodically and has accessible results. (ie: MAP, District Benchmark, Star, iReady etc.)
    • Be consistent with working with the group of students. Data will be skewed if you aren’t meeting with them three times each week.
    • Have other students in the class working on another activity, so you can have uninterrupted time with your group.
  • Measurement

    Process Measures: record the number of times each student attending session

    Outcome Measures: record the change in the course performance metric over time.

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    Use the data collection tool Small Group Spiral Review Data


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