Home > Emerging Idea: Increasing Assignment Completion: May Do/Must Do Student Workshops


Emerging Idea: Increasing Assignment Completion: May Do/Must Do Student Workshops 

Authors: Screen Shot 2024-01-08 at 5.21.36 PM Jessica Gribbon

We welcome you to proceed using this idea. However, this idea has shown promise but needs additional testing before it can be considered a research-based change idea.

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This is a chance to improve outcomes for your students and to accelerate improvement overall!

I noticed that more of my students have been struggling to keep up with assignment completion.  I suspect that many of them know the content and know how to complete the work, but struggle with time management once they leave my class.  I decided to test a new routine in my classroom each Friday.  While having individual “data chats” about grades, the rest of the students have May Do/Must Do Student Workshops.  This routine provides the time and structure to increase their work completion while allowing weekly one-on-one quick meetings with each student.

I created a Google doc with two columns: Must Do and May Do Template example.

I project a slide on the screen and print a copy for each student to have at their desks. 

Students begin right away to complete any missing work from the Must Do column.  When they sign and turn in their sheet, they may select from the May Do column.

While students are “workshopping,” I call each student one-by-one up to my desk/laptop for a quick “data chat.”  We look at their grades and any missing assignments or concerns.  Additional resources (May Do/Must Do Example, blank template, student survey) here.

  • Impact

    The student outcomes were analyzed in two subgroups: students who attended two workshops and students who attended at least four workshops. All of the students had an increase in grade after participating in the workshops. 

    Students Who Attended Two Workshops

    For students who attended two workshops, students had an average grade increase of 21%.

    May Do Must Do Table

    Change in Student Grade for Students Who Attended Two Workshops

    May Do Must Do Change in grades

    Students Who Attended Four or More Workshops

    For students who attended more than four workshops, they had an average grade increase of 51%.

    May Do Must Do Table

    Change in Student Grade for Students Who Attended Four or More Workshops

    Screen Shot 2023-09-12 at 9.21.06 PM

  • Practical Keys to Success
    • This is a process that I use with all of my students.  I only measure the impact on a specific group of students on the Watch List.
    • I wait to input things I have graded from the last Workshop into PowerSchool until they have the “data chat” so they can watch and see right away the impact on their overall grades. This is highly motivating for most of my students.
    • Use the student survey to collect feedback from students. Student Survey Template
  • Measurement

    May Do Must Do Workshops Data

    Process Measure: measure the number of times each student completes the workshop

    Outcome Measure: measure the change in the course performance metric.


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